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About Me


I am still trying to figure things out in this world. At 25 years of age, my quarter century crisis is looming large – though luckily my recent venture into the world of literature has helped put it off. For the time being…

I’ll be the first to admit I’m a bit of free spirit. A non-conformist. A young (ish) girl, trying to push the envelope with my writing in order to find myself through it. My Nordic heritage helps with that. Something to do with being wild and passionate by nature…

I got into writing because it was the perfect place to exercise the side of me that doesn’t like normal. Unlike a lot of girls who go for girls (and guys too, if you’re lucky), I never questioned that side of me. I simply embraced it and went after what I desired. I’ve had a few short flings and some longer relationships – though they’re more sporadic. I grew up on shows like Buffy and Xena, so you can imagine what those are like; intense, drama-filled and extremely hot. I’m a firm believer that the intensity of passion is more important than the duration.

This comes out in my writing. I like bold female characters. Sometimes they’re a reflection of myself… sometimes they’re just girls I’d really like to meet in real life. All of them are based on different parts of me that I love exploring – as is all literature.

Where does my inspiration come from? From all around me. It comes from events that happened in my life, my friends’ lives and others’ lives I read about in both fiction and non-fiction. Sometimes it’s a mixture of all of these.

Sometimes it comes right out of thin air.

I like writing true stories that never happened. I write fiction – but many of the stories I write are true. In fact, I believe that some of the truest, most pure expressions of the human condition are found in fiction.

Remember, it doesn’t have to be real to feel real.

It’s from these tiny fragments of different experiences that I storyboard the overall narrative. I found I liked writing when I first fell in love with the creative process – piecing together little bits of inspiration into a greater whole.

It’s when I’m putting together all of the best bits of my work that I feel my writing really comes alive. Piecing together the struggle between action and romance, trying to get the mixture just right… that’s what I’m really into.

We’ve all got the call to action inside of us – sometimes it just takes something or someone new and exciting to get it out.